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Certificate in SAP AM Asset Management

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SAP AM Asset Management

About SAP AM Asset Management
Enterprise asset management (EAM) means the whole life optimal management of the physical assets of an organization to maximize value. It covers such things as the design, construction, commissioning, operations, maintenance and decommissioning/replacement of plant, equipment and facilities. "Enterprise" refers to the management of the assets across departments, locations, facilities and, in some cases, business units. By managing assets across the facility, organizations can improve utilization and performance, reduce capital costs, reduce asset-related operating costs, extend asset life and subsequently improve ROA (return on assets).

Why is SAP AM Asset Management important?
Benefits of SAP AM
•    Extend and improve asset life and reliability with timely access to asset and work management insights.
•    Prolong the life of your assets with guided workflows
•    Timely processing of work orders, notifications, and asset master data, whether online or offline.

Who should take the SAP AM Asset Management Exam?
•    SAP professionals
•    Professionals using SAP for Inventory or stores management
•    Anyone who wants to assess their SAP AM Asset Management skills
•    Managers and senior executives using SAP for Inventory or stores management
•    SAP consultants
•    Professionals working in outsourced companies responsible for SAP AM Asset Management
•    Any professional with skills and knowledge on SAP AM Asset Management
•    Anyone interested in SAP AM Asset Management

SAP AM Asset Management Certification Course Outline
1. Executing Maintenance Business Processes
2. Customizing Maintenance Processing
3. Customizing Preventive Maintenance
4. Customizing Technical Objects
5. Planning Preventative Maintenance Business Processes
6. Customizing Organizational Units
7. Managing Technical Objects
8. Customizing Refurbishment
9. Customizing Analysis and Reporting

Certificate in SAP AM Asset Management FAQs

The result will be declared immediately on submission.

It will be a computer-based exam. The exam can be taken from anywhere around the world.

You have to score 25/50 to pass the exam.

No there is no negative marking

There will be 50 questions of 1 mark each

You will be required to re-register and appear for the exam. There is no limit on exam retake.

You can directly go to the certification exam page and register for the exam.