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VB Script

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VB Script Certification

About VB Script

VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is a scripting language that is modeled after Visual Basic. It is a client-side scripting language that is used to create web pages and automate tasks on a Windows operating system.

VBScript can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as:

Web page scripting: creating interactive web pages and forms, validating user input, and creating dynamic web pages.
Automating tasks: automating repetitive tasks, such as file and folder management, and system administration tasks.
Windows scripting: automating tasks on a Windows operating system, such as managing the registry, creating and modifying users, and managing services and processes.
VBScript is similar to JavaScript in that it is a client-side scripting language. However, VBScript is specific to the Windows operating system and Internet Explorer browser, whereas JavaScript is supported by a wide range of browsers.

VBScript is a relatively old language and is being phased out. It is not recommended for new development and it's being replaced by more modern languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

VBScript is embedded into an HTML document using the