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Zend Framework

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Zend Framework Certification

About Zend Framework

Zend Framework is an open-source web application framework for building web applications and services using PHP. It is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and is designed to be modular, extensible, and easy to use.

Zend Framework provides a wide range of features and components for building web applications, including support for database access, form validation, session management, and more. It also includes a number of tools for working with web services, such as support for REST and SOAP, and for creating and consuming RSS and Atom feeds.

The framework is built using a set of loosely coupled components that can be used together or independently, this allows developers to pick and choose the components they need for their specific project.

Zend Framework is also designed to be highly configurable and customizable, allowing developers to easily create custom modules and components.

In summary, Zend Framework is an open-source web application framework for building web applications and services using PHP. It's based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, it's designed to be modular, extensible, and easy to use. It provides a wide range of features and components for building web applications, including support for database access, form validation, session management, and more. It's built using a set of loosely coupled components that can be used together or independently, it's also highly configurable and customizable allowing developers to easily create custom modules and components.

Who should take the Zend Framework Certification exam?

Zend Framework is useful for:

PHP developers
Web developers
Software engineers
Anyone interested in building web applications using PHP and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.

Zend Framework Certification Course Outline

Introduction to Zend Framework, including the basics of the framework, its architecture, and how it works with PHP.

Zend Framework components, including how to use the various components, such as Zend_Db, Zend_Form, and Zend_View, to develop web applications.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, including how to use the MVC pattern to separate the presentation logic from the business logic and how to use the Zend_Controller component to handle requests and responses.

Database access and data modeling, including how to use Zend_Db to interact with databases and how to use Zend_Db_Table to model data.

Forms and validation, including how to use Zend_Form to create and validate forms, and how to use Zend_Validate to perform validation.

View helpers and layouts, including how to use view helpers to format and display data, and how to use layouts to define the structure of the view.

Services and plugins, including how to use services, such as Zend_Auth and Zend_Acl, to handle authentication and authorization, and how to use plugins to extend the functionality of the framework.

Caching and performance optimization, including how to use caching mechanisms, such as Zend_Cache, to improve the performance of web applications.

Zend Framework and web services, including how to consume and interact with web services using Zend Framework

Hands-on practice and project-based learning, including building web applications using Zend Framework and implementing various components like Zend_Db, Zend_Form, Zend_View, etc.

Zend Framework FAQs

You will be required to re-register and appear for the exam. There is no limit on exam retake.

You can directly go to the certification exam page and register for the exam.

There will be 50 questions of 1 mark each

No there is no negative marking

You have to score 25/50 to pass the exam.

It will be a computer-based exam. The exam can be taken from anywhere around the world.

The result will be declared immediately on submission.